Make a difference

Child Aid would not survive without the support from the public.




About Child Aid Uk

How many times have you received requests from charities to help and asked yourself, how much of my donation is actually used for those in need ? Well, with CHILD AID, this is the answer to that question, `every penny, every cent`, not one penny or one cent of your child sponsorship gift goes on our administration.

`How can this be, you ask ?` Well, very simply, CHILD AID is a relatively new charity, formed by a small group of people who accidentally became involved in the problems many villages in rural Southern India experience, they raise their own administrative expenses.

How did this charity come about?

To make a long story short, a few individuals would get a regular visit from a donar recipient from a large international charity on a regular annual basis and regulalrly donate. After a few years of this, they asked a very simple question "could we visit the children we donate towards?" The charity had never been asked this before, but very kindly took them up on the offer. After a very eye openning and insightful trip to India, a few things were apparent, mainly that a considerable amount of money was spent in ways that weren't directly providing the aid to those that needed it, or given for those that it was intended for. The solution was, on their return to the UK, to setup their own charity with the intention of ensuring less money "wasted". 

Here we are!